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What happened to 'the pioneer'?

The National Gallery of Victoria uncovered the secret during COVID in mid October when the gallery’s head of conservation shone a torch on The Pioneer and noticed a shadow on the central panel of painting. X-rays confirmed the lost masterpiece has been hidden in plain sight for 115 years. Millions have “viewed” it.

What happened to the pioneer p-d70?

After the Model 1516 1980 prototype and its 4-channel surround-sound ability (backed by Philips until april 1981 but nixed by everybody else)... After the original P-D1 in 1982, Pioneer went fully on its own with the P-D70 ... and sold many of them.

What is alive pioneer?

Alive Pioneer makes training EMG and temperature easy, even for first time users, with options to automatically range EMG and temperature so you can simply choose EMG or temperature feedback, start a game or environment, and let Alive take care of the rest.

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